7" and magazine 1989

Pirate copy of the "Licht Und Blindheit" single & magazine.      

Click for larger image

Click for larger image

Atmosphere Dead Souls

To tell a fake from an original: look at the label design, serrated ridge around the label, vinyl colour, and the background image:


1980s Pirates

USA 2007

USA 2016

Italy 2013

 2020 Italy 2020

Clcik for larger image

Identical to 2007 pirate but no foldout sleeve. Hardly any copies exists suggesting  more records than sleeves were made in in 2007 and  new sleeves were made the overstock

Very similar to the original
but no serration around label

Black vinyl

Black vinyl

Coloured vinyl only:
Red, pink, clear red with bits of paper in the vinyl (only 9 copies of the last version), green, grey, purple, magenta, "gold" (transparent yellowish) and "black" (smoke-coloured)

Coloured vinyl:
Grey, green, gold/brown, and other colours
Blue vinyl
300 copies
Black vinyl Black vinyl

Labels are black with silver writing

Serrated ridge around label

Labels have a coloured Medusa's head - colour, blue or b/w

No serrated ridge

As original

No serrated ridge

Identical to 2007 pirate

No serrated ridge
Medusa's head

No serrated ridge
As original

No serrated ridge
Medusa's head

No serrated ridge

The foldout cover is numbered

Some covers are numbered but most are not

Covers are numbered

No fold out cover.
7" x 7" size card insert cover in a clear resealable plastic sleeve with clear Sordide Sentimental stickers
Covers not numbered Covers not numbered Covers not numbered

Contains 2 inserts; a blue piece of paper which reads "Avertissement" and "Gesamtkunstwerk" and an English translation

No inserts

Contains copies of the original inserts

No inserts No inserts No inserts No inserts

Matrix numbers:
MPO SS33002A  t
MPO SS33002B  t

Hand written

Colour label fake matrix numbers:
SS33002 A
SS33002 B
Hand written

Blue label fake matrix numbers:
C    8704141  A / A         A
C    8704141  B / A         A

B/W label fake matrix numbers:
8704141-A    I HP           5
8704141-B    I HP           7

Matrix numbers:
SS 33002 - A - t
SS 33002 - B - t

Hand written

Identical to 2007 pirate
Matrix numbers:
SS33002 A
SS33002 B
Stamped matrix numbers:

Stamped matrix numbers:

Brown background image - two faces

Brown background image, women and infant

Background image as original

7" x 7" insert sleeve

Brown background image, women and infant

Brown background image, women and infant

Brown background image, women and infant

On the original folders the glue which was used to glue the plastic wallet to the folder has turned a horrible brown over time (this is written in 2005)

The glue on the fakes is still clear

Glue is still clear

Not applicable No glued on plastic pocket
Glue is clear Glue is clear
Plastic pocket is triangle shaped

Most came without plastic bag. Some of the last to be sent out had a plain plastic bag but no logo ... Source Jean-Pierre Turmel 2009

No plastic bag

Plastic bag with clear Sordide Sentimental sticker stuck to it

Smaller 7" x 7"resealable clear plastic sleeve with clear Sordide Sentimental stickers Generic clear plastic outer bag
Shrink wrapped
No outer plastic bag
Shrink wrapped
No outer plastic bag

JOY DIVISION - Untitled  (7")  2019       

Picture disc released 2019
Limited edition 10 copies
No band name, title, or song titles on either side of disc just images from the original French 1980 Licht Und Blindheit
The only text printed on the back of the disc is: "Collectors edition picture disc no. -/10  Propre et Gentil 112"
Clear plastic sleeve
No matrix numbers

Atmosphere Dead Souls