Untitled lyrics booklet - author Sylvie Gibory

Song lyrics and a two page discography
A5 size stapled fanzine / booklet privately published in France
54 thick numbered pages
Three editions published around 1981 / 1982

There are three known editions of this booklet with the later ones revising and correcting the content. The cover has no title, just Marc Tilli's photo from Amsterdam Paradiso  January 11, 1980.

At least three people were involved in the creation of the content:

  • Sylvie Gibory (France)
  • David Lees (England, co-author of Mark Johnson's "An Ideal for Living")
  • Debbie Cannon (Louisiana, United States)

Gibory and Cannon also contributed to "An Ideal for Living".

With no official source for Joy Division lyrics at the time, the group set about deciphering and documenting them as accurately as possible. A loose sheet of corrections suggests how difficult this task was.

The first page contains the following quote: "And they left it for you, all of this for you."

The second page states:


These lyrics are what we could make them out from listening to the records. As you may know, the band decided not to print them on inner sleeves or anywhere else, because they thought lyrics shouldn't be separated from music. Well, how can you possibly enjoy something if you don't understand half of it? So, thanks to Factory Communications Ltd (very limited indeed), we had to do the job ourselves, on headphones, pen and paper at hand. Don't blame us if you find a few mistakes left here and there. Sometimes it's absolutely impossible to decipher a word or a sentence, when the voice is lost in the mix. However, most of it is here, and if you think your own version is better than ours, send both to Factory headquarters and ask for the real one. If this book reaches them up there in Manchester, they should be aware that we're not trying to cash in on the group; this is done by fans for fans, on a very small scale (i.e. you'll never find this at WH Smith) but we just felt that words of this strength and significance shouldn't be left ignored.

Million thanx to everyone involved in the making of this book, you know who you are..."

Out of print

Front cover with Marc Tilli Photo

Loose corrections sheet